Truro & Falmouth Constituency Labour Party
Our Tory government continues to pay scant attention to sources of locally produced, renewable energy and it is content to see our needs being met by energy companies largely based abroad.
Under the next Labour government renewables will benefit from funds from The National Investment Bank and private UK industry. Profits from renewable energy companies, under a Labour government, will benefit our citizens, not foreign companies – or foreign citizens where those companies are part state owned.
Labour will harness the talents of our scientists and environmentalists to ensure a safer, more secure supply of energy for Britain.
Rebuild and Transform – Part Five: Calvin Jones from South Wales
Part five of our series where people from across Britain explain how Labour will rebuild & transform communities.
Watch Calvin explain how, under the next Labour government, investment in renewable energy and an integrated transport system will transform our economy – so no one is left behind again.
Come and join us in Truro and Falmouth on National Campaign Day – Saturday 1 October