Truro & Falmouth Constituency Labour Party
Reported on 23 Nov 2016, Afshin Rattansi from Going Underground talks to the co-founder of Keep Our NHS Public and co-author of NHS for sale, Dr Jacky Davis about why is there nothing in today’s UK mini-budget about bringing funding of healthcare to the levels of France or Germany let alone Trump’s America?
Davis argues that healthcare tourism costs about £200m and is a drop in the ocean. It’s a diversion from the real cuts the Tories want to impose. The Tories are running the NHS into the ground. The UK has fewer doctors per head than any other country in the EU.
The Sustainability and Transformation plans (STP) being proposed by the Tories is, “slash, trash and privatise”. The enforced competition brought in by Tories, is recognised by them as not working, so they have been drafting plans in secrecy to cut the NHS further to ‘save’ money and cover their tracks.
Multinationals like Virgin getting involved will cut staff to make to make profits, cherry-pick and pull out if its unprofitable. Davis explains in this Youtube video.